CMC | Placement Papers

Q 1. Which of the following is true?
A O(1) < O(n) < O(log n) < O(n log n) < O(n2 )
B O(1) < O(log n) < O(n) < O(n2) < O(n log n)
C O(1) < O(n) < O(n log n) < O(log n) < O(n2 )
D O(1) < O(log n) < O(n log n) < O(n2)
Q 2. The ideal data structure to handle backtracking is?
A Queue
B Tree
C Stack
D Linked list
Q 3. Which of the following sorting algorithms does not have worst case running time of O(n2) ?
A Merge Sort
B Quick Sort
C Bubble Sort s
D Insertion Sort
Q 4. The following operations are performed on a stack :
push(10), push(20), pop, push(10), push(20), pop, pop, pop, push(20),pop. The sequence of values popped out are
A 20, 10, 20, 10, 20
B 20, 20, 10, 10, 20
C 10, 20, 20, 10, 20
D 20, 20, 10, 20, 10
Q 5. In a memory system, read access takes 100 ns and write access takes 80 ns. If 60% of the access requests are reads, what is the average access time of the memory ?
A 3 ns
B 92 ns
C 108 ns
D 88 ns
Q 6. Which one of the following is the most suitable data structure for applications involving frequent additions and deletions of data elements ?
A Stack
B Arrays
C Linear lists
D Linked list
Q 7. Consider the C language code given below.
int *a;
int b[2];
a = b;
b[0] = -46;
b[1] = -23;
*a = -34;
What are the values of b[0], b[1] at the end.
A -34, -24
B -46, -22
C -34, -22
D -46, -23
Q 8. Which of the following shell variable is used to return the process ID of the current shell?
A $!
B $$
C $*
D none
Q 9. The system call that is key to multitasking in UNIX is:
Option A exec
B fork
C system
D none
Q 10. When a binary tree is traversed in preorder and inorder, the labels of the nodes are printed as below.
Preorder : A B C D E F G H
In order : B C A E G F D H
In what order the nodes appear if the same binary is traversed in post-order?
Option A C B G F E H D A
D Can't be decided unless tree representation is given
Q 11. ) if c1 then statement1
else if c2 then statement2
else {
if c3 then statement4;
C1, c2, c3 are conditional tests yielding boolean values :
c1 will be true with 40% of probability
c2 will be true with 50% of probability
c3 will be true with 10% of probability
The probability that statement4 will be executed is
A 60%
B 30%
C 10%
D 3%
Q 12. The following conditions are necessary for a deadlock
I Mutual exclusion
II Hold & wait
III No preemption
IV circular wait
A I, II, III only
B II, III, IV only
C I, II, IV only
D All of the above
Q 13. i=0; sum=0; j=0;
while (i<=50)
i = i + (j ? 2 : 3);
j = !j;
sum += i;
printf ("%d", sum);
What is the output ?
A 410
B 630
C 490
D 530
Q 14. If x then y else false
The above statement is equal to following boolean expression
A x OR y
B x AND y
C x XOR y
Q 15. Octal equivalent of hexadecimal number AB is:
A 523
B 253
C 171
D 1010 1011
Q 16. Instruction sequencing is done by the following register:
A Stack pointer
B Instruction register
C program counter
D Accumulator
Q 17. Find the odd one out
A Semiconductor memory
B magnetic memory
C Charge coupled memory
D Virtual memory
Q 18. Which of the following is a valid flip-flops:
A JK Flip-flop
B S Flip-flop
C R Flip-flop
D None
Q 19. Which of the following allows multiple program threads to share the same resource
A Mutex
B Pipe
C File Handle
D Deadlock
Q 20. Postfix representation of A / (B + C) * (D - E)
Q 21. Range of signed integers represented by 8 bits:
A -127 to 127
B -128 to 127
C -127 to 128
D -128 to 128
Q 22. 2's Complement of 1010001010110111
A 0101110101001000
B 0101110101001111
C 0101110101000111
D 0101110101000000
Q 23. Which of the following are part of the CPU (Central Processing Unit)
A Harddisk
B Registers
C RAM (Random Access Memory)
D DMA (Dynamic Memory Access)
Q 24. What is the 2 GB (Giga Bytes) equivalent value in decimal
A 2141592658
B 2097152948
C 2000000000
D 2147483648
Q 25. What is decimal and binary equivalent of an octal number 127:
A 87 and 1010111
B 78 and 1010110
C 87 and 1010110
D 78 and 1010111
Q 26. What is the address space range of a microprocessor with 32-bit address bus
A 0x00000000-0xFFFFFFFF
B 0x000000-0xFFFFFF
C 0x0000000-0xFFFFFFF
D 0x0000-0xFFFF
Q 27. Which of the following statement is valid regarding recursive function :
A May have a potential of stack overflow error
B Cannot pass pointers as arguments to the recursive function.
C The function is called in a 'for' or 'while' loop by the calling program.
D Best to use in implementing quick sort
Q 28. Left shift of bits in binary data is equivalent to :
A Addition of 2.
B Division by 2.
C in some other binary number depending on the initial data
D Multiplication by 2
Q 29. !( A || (B && C) ) can also be represented as : ( Note : ! is negation )
A !A || !B && !C
B !A && !(B && C)
C !A || !(B && C)
D !A && ( !B || !C&& A)
Q 30. RACE condition means :
A two threads of a single program trying to update the same memory at the same point of time resulting in unpredictable data in the memory.
B A condition where multiple processes are waiting for the CPU time.
C A condition which results in deadlocks.
D Two threads halted without further execution, each waiting for the lock obtained by the other thread to be released.
Q 31. What is REENTRANT code segment :
A Code that can be part of a for or while loop.
B Code that is part of a recursive function.
C Code that guarantees safe and defined behavior even when parallelly executed by two threads.
D Code that may result in a race condition.
Q 32. Decimal equivalent of Octal number 888 is :
A 8 + 8*8 + 8*8*8
B (8*8*8*8) - 1
C 888
D None of the above
Q 33. What is the lowest and highest number that can be represented by a N-digit number in Octal number system
A Zero and (N raised to the power of 8)
B Zero and (8 raised to the power of N)
C Zero and ( (8 raised to the power of N) minus 1 )
D Zero and ( (N raised to the power of 8) minus 1 )
Q 34. For "C" language, what is the best reference manual
A "C" language from Microsoft
B "C" language by Balaguru swamy
C "C" language by Kernighan & Ritche
D None of the above
Q 35. RDBMS is related to :
A Theory of Relativity
B Relational Data structures with Business Management System
C Relational Algebra
D All of the above
Q 36. Choose a set that has an odd element:
A Windows, Linux, DOS
B Oracle, SQL Server , Visual Studio
C Mouse, Keyboard, Touch screen
D All of the above
Q 37. There are two tables in a database namely EMPLOYEE and DEPARTMENT. EMPLOYEE table has 6 columns ,60000 rows and DEPARTMENT table has 4 columns , 40000 rows. What is the output of the following SQL query.
Select count (*) from EMPLOYEE, DEPARTMENT
A 24
B 10
C 100000
D 2400000000
Q 38. Input and outputs of a compiler:
A Object file , Symbol table
B Source code, Object File
C Object File, Windows Application
D None of these
Q 39. Given 110112 which of the following is false?
A In unsigned notation it is 27 base 10
B In 1's complement notation it is -4 base 10
C In 2's complement notation it is -5 base 10
D In signed magnitude notation it is +11 base 10
Q 40. How many 1's are present in the binary representation of (769.625)10?
A 9
B 4
C 5
D 6
Q 41. Choose the right declarations for the main() in C
A int main(int argc, char *argv[]);
B void main(int argc, char *argv[]);
C int main(void);
D All the above
Q 42. Choose the valid typedef definitions from the following C code snippets
A typedef struct{...}T;
B typedef struct S{...}T;
C typedef {...}T;
D typedef struct S{...};
Q 43. What are the correct ways of accessing member x in the following structure
typedef struct{
int x;
char y;
T *t = malloc(sizeof(T));
T s;
A t->x;
B (*t).x;
C s.x;
D All the above.
Q 44. Choose valid statement from the following to declar a variable to hold pointer to an array of functions with return type (char *) and takes an argument int
A char * (**p) (int x);
B char * (*p[]) (int x);
C char * (p[]) (int x);
D char * (*(*p)) int x;
Q 45. What is the value of the variable z in the following C code snippet at the end of the program
void test(void){
int x=3;
int y=5;
int z;
x += x++;
z = 2 * ++x + y;
A 19
B 21
C 15
D 17
Q 46. What is the result of the variable z in the following C code snippet at the end of the program
#define modify(A, B) ((A) < (B) ? (++A) : (B--))
int a=4,b=2;
int x = modify(a,b);
int y = modify(a,b);
int z = y - x;
Option A 1
B 2
C 3
D None of the above
Q 47. Which of the following doesn't represent a storage class
A auto
B public
C register
D static
Q 48. Which of the following are not valid C language statements
A for(;;){}
B while(true){}
C while(1){}
D None of the above
Q 49. Which of the following are not valid function for memory allocation in standard C library
A malloc()
B realloc()
C memalloc()
D calloc()
Q 50. Which of the following are not valid C language keywords
A extern
B function
C const
D register
Q 51. What is the value of the variable e in the following C code snippet
int a=3,b=4,c=2,d=3;
int e = (a << 1) * b / c - (d >> 1);
A 8
B 10
C 13
D None of the above
Q 52. Consider the C language code given below.
int *a;
int b[2];
a = b;
b[0] = -46;
b[1] = -23;
*a = -34;
What are the values of b[0], b[1] at the end.
A -34, -24
B -46, -22
C -34, -22
D -46, -23
Q 53. i=0; sum=0; j=0;
while (i<=50)
i = i + (j ? 2 : 3);
j = !j;
sum += i;
printf ("%d", sum);
What is the output ?
A 410
B 630
C 490
D 530
Q 54. Assuming all required headers are included, see the below code segment and select the correct option(s) A,B,C and/or D given below and write your comments, if any, on the code segment:
Line 1 : int *iptr ;
Line 2 : printf("Type a number:");
Line 3 : scanf("%d", iptr);
Line 4 : printf("Integer value is %d\n", iptr);
A Missing '&' before 'iptr' in Line 3.
B Program will cause segmentation fault.
C Program will not compile as there are errors in this code segment.
D Program prints the given number in Line 4.
Q 55. int a = 1; b = 2; c = 3;
if( ( a == 1 ) && ( ++b == 2 ) && ( c-- == 1 ) )
printf( "%d,%d,%d\n", a,b,c );
What is the output ?
A 1,2,3
B 1,3,2
C 2,3,4
D 1,3,3
Q 56. Assuming all headers required are included. see the program below and answer
and answer
void my_int_alloc( int *i_ptr, int sz ); /* function to allocate memory */
int main()
int *int_ptr ;
int_ptr[19] = 100;
return 0;
void my_int_alloc( int *i_ptr, int sz )
i_ptr = (int *)malloc(sz*sizeof(int)); /* assume malloc never fails */
Select the correct option(s) from A,B,C and/or D below :
A The program has memory leaks and it tries to free unallocated memory.
B The printf prints the value '100'.
C There should not be a 'return' statement in a function returning void
D The program will not compile.
Q 57. Assuming all headers are included, see the below program segment and select
and select
the option A,B,C and/or D
char src[11] = "CMC";
char dest[11] = "LIMITED";
A Program has compilation errors in the line having strcpy call.
B Program results in segmentation fault.
C Program prints "LIMITED"
D Program prints "CMCLIMITED"
Q 58. The program
int main(int argc , char *argv[])
printf("%s\n", ++(*(argv+argc-2)));
return 0;
if run with the command
$> prog_name one two three four
will have the below behaviour ( select the right option )
A program has compilation errors
B Program prints "three"
C program prints "hree"
D program prints "three four"
Q 59. Which of the following statements are valid regarding "static" variables in C:
A Have global scope and lifetime till the end of the program.
B Have block scope and lifetime till the end of the block.
C Have block scope and lifetime till the end of the program.
D Have global scope and lifetime till the end of the block
Q 60. What is the output of the code segment below :
char c;
int i = 0 ;
for( c = 'A' + i ; c < 'Z' ; c += 2,i++ )
printf("%c", c);
A ADHMS ( skips 2,3,4,5 characters in between A and Z )
B ACEGIKMOQSUWY ( skips one char in between A and Z )
C ABCDEFGHI...Y ( prints all characters from A to Y )
D Program does not compile.
Q 61. Select the correct statements in relation to the "realloc" function
A The realloc tries to allocate new memory which starts at the old memory and if it cannot find sequenctial memory extending the old memory, realloc will fail..
B After the call to realloc, we need to copy the data from the old pointer
C Based on where the new memory is allocated, the realloc function takes care
of copying the data into the new location, but the caller needs to free the
D Both data copy and freeing of old memory whenever required, is taken care
Q 62. in the declaration char c_arr[100] = "CMCLIMITED" ; , c_arr is :
A a constant pointer to character.
B non-const pointer to a character constant.
C non-const pointer to character.
D a constant pointer to constant character.
Q 63. Looking at the code lines below, select the correct statement(s) below :
Line 1 char *c_ptr;
Line 2 char a_arr[100];
Line 3 c_ptr = (char *)malloc(10*sizeof(int));
Line 4 c_ptr = c_arr;
Line 5 free(c_ptr);
A Line 3 has compilation error : it uses sizeof(int) instead of sizeof(char)
B Line 4 has an error as we cannot assign an array pointer to a normal pointer.
C Line 5 has a compilation error.
D Line 5 has undefined behavior.
Q 64. Which of the following functions deal with binary output into a file :
A fprintf()
B fputs();
C fwrite();
D All of the above.
Q 65. Which of the following are valid file operation functions in C
A fseek()
B ftell()
C rewind()
D All of the above.
Q 66. Assuming all headers included, indicate the behavior of the below program :
Int arr[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
Int I = 0;
while( I < 10 )
printf("%d\n", *(arr++));
A prints numbers from 1 to 10
B prints numbers from 1 to 9
C prints '1' ten times.
D program has compilation errors.
Q 67. Given a structure typedef struct { char x; int y, int z} mystruct;
sizeof(mystruct) will return
A 5 -- Always
B 6 -- Some times
C 8 -- Based on Memory size
D None of the above
Q 68. char *p = (char*) malloc(2000000*2/10+4);
int length = strlen(p);
Output of the above program:
A 400004
B 200002
D None of the above
Q 69. A program is written in "C" language , and an executable is made by compiling it on unix/linux environment. Can we run the executable on windows operating system.
A Yes, Always
B Only on vista operating system
C Never
D If we change extension to .exe, it will run
Q 70. Main difference of a struct in C and C++
A In C members are private, c++ members are virtual
B In C members are public, c++ members are private
C In C members are virtual, c++ members are private
D None of the above


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