Citicorp | Placement Papers

1. For the first qustion in the paper answer is (30).
 2. Five trays cost is 0.35 each and dozen----- (ans:Rs13.75)
 3. In a journey of 15 miles two third distance was travelled with 40 mph and remaining with 60 mph.How muvh time the journey takes...(ans:20 min)
 4. A man walks from 9.15 to 5.15 from monday to friday and 9.00 to 12.00 on saturday.Each day 0.45 min lunch.How much time he walks in a week...(ans: 39hrs15min).
 5. 12 revolutions takes 1/8 th second time.In 20 seconds how many revolutions...(ans:1920)
 6. In 60 reems of paper 40 reems were utilised then what percent will remain...(ans:33.33%)
 7. A started at 9.00 am with 6 mph and B started at 9.30 am with 8mph in the same direction. At what time they will meet... (ans:11.00am)
 8. In a storage stall of 5x3x2inch.How many blanks of size 2x1x1inch can be stored..(ans:15)
 9. In a company 3/5 of people know shorthand 1/4th know typing and 1/5 know both. What fraction of people do not know both.. (ans:35%)
 10. A man how many bikes of Rs 14000 can buy by selling 2100 bikes of Rs500 of each (ans:75)
 11. A company requires 11,500 strength.present employees are 200 women , men and 6500 unmarried To reach the target how many women required to maintain the same ratio (ans : 300)
 12. What is the time required to punch 1500 cards of 50 column each at the rate of 10,000 punches per hour (ans:7hr 30min)
 13. In a group of five persons A,B,C,D,and E
 a)A and C are intelligent in English and Reasoning.
 b)B and C are intelligent in English and General Awareness.
 c)E and D are intelligent in Arithmatic and Inteview.
 d)E is intelligent in Interview,reasoning and Arithe matic.
 e)B and D are intelligent in Arithematic and General Awareness.
 1) Who is intelligent in English,arithematic,and general awareness (ANSWER:B)
 2)Who is intelligent in english and reasoning but not in general awareness (ans:A)
 3)Who is intelligent in Arithematic,General Awareness and Interview (ans:D)
 4)Who is intelligent in English General Awareness and Reasoning (ans:C)
 5)Who is intelligent in Arithematic,Reasoning and Interview(ans:E)
 14.  Five persons A,B,C,D and E were travelling in a car.They were two ladies in the group. Of them who knew the car driving one was a lady.A is brother of D.B wifeof D,drve at the begining. E drive at the end.
 1)Which of the following is a pair of brothers.(ans:A,D)
 2)Who was the other lady in the group.(ans:C)
 3)In the case of which the following pairs,no relationship can be established with one else in the group (ans:C,E)
 4)How was E related to A.(ans:DATA INADEQUATE)
 15. A man said to woman " your only brother's son is my wife's brother". How is the woman related to the man's wife...(ans:AUNT)
 1. The following variable is available in file1.c
 static int average_float;
 all the functions in the file1.c can access the variable
 2. extern int x;
 Check the answer
 3. Another Problem with
 # define TRUE 0
 some code
 some code
 This won't go into the loop as TRUE is defined as 0
 4. A question in structures where the memebers are dd,mm,yy.
 5. A question with argc and argv .
 Input will be
 c:TEMP.EXE Ramco Systems India
 int x=10,y=15;
 printf("%d %d
 find the output?
 int x;
 int x=0;
 int x=10;
 printf("First output: %d
 printf("Second Output : %d
 printf("Third Output : %d
 return (x+=10);
 find the output?
 int x=20,y=35;
 x = y++ + x++;
 y = ++y + ++x;
 printf("%d %d
 find the output?
 char *p1="Name";
 char *p2;
 p2=(char *)malloc(20);
 find the output?
 int x=5;
 printf("%d %d %d
 find the output?
 #define swap1(a,b) a=a+b;b=a-b;a=a-b;
 int x=5,y=10;
 printf("%d %d
 printf("%d %d
 int swap2(int a,int b)
 int temp;
 find the output?
 char *ptr = "Ramco Systems";
 find the output?
 char s1[]="Ramco";
 char s2[]="Systems";
 find the output?
 char *p1;
 char *p2;
 p1=(char *) malloc(25);
 p2=(char *) malloc(25);


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