Polaris | Placement Papers


1.void main( )
int i;
a) 2 b) 3 c) garbage value. d)none of these.
Ans : b)3.
void main( )
int i;
How many times does the loop executes
a) 10 b) 0 c)100 d)Infinite
Ans : b)0
3. Local Variables will get stored in ____________.
a) Stack b) Queue c) Register d) All the above.
4 Register variables are stored in _________ .
a)Heap b)CPU Register c) d)None
Ans : b) CPU Rgister
5. Program code is stored in_______________
a)Heap b)CPU Register c) d)None
Ans : a)Heap(not sure)
6. Which of the following interrupts has the highest priority__________
a)RS6 b)RS7 c)INT d)Trap
7. What is the modulation used to transmit sound in TV signal?
8. What is double integration of a unit step signal?
9. What is motor is used in ceiling fan & washing m/cs: In electric traction?
10. What is 8255?
11. {
int a[]={10,20,30,40,50};
fun(int *p)
{ for(int i=1;i<=3;i++)
12. #define ADD(X,Y) X+Y
#undef ADD(X,Y);
int y=ADD(3,2);
Runtime error(linker error): _add undefined in module
13. Which of the following is illegal
(a)void v;
(b)void *v;
(c)void **v;
(d)all are legal
int a[]={10,20,30,40,50};
fun(int *p)
for(int i=1;i<=3;i++)
14. FTP is carried out in ___________ layer ?
15. in diesel engine the comp. ratio is ______ then expansion ratio(more,equal,less,...)
16 . carbon help in the improving __ of steel(ductility,malliability,hardness,machinability)
17. pig iron is manufacture in --------blast farness
18. what is the effect of increase arc lenght in building
19. Find the sum 72, 70, 68,66,......................40?
20. I was born on August 11. Mohan is younger to me by 11 days. This year Independence Day falls on Monday. The day on which Mohan's birthday will fall this year will be
(1) Monday
(2) Tuesday
(3) Sunday
(4) Thursday
Placement Papers :: Perot
1st section that consists of 10 question (1-10) each of 1 marks each
Q1. Reena is Twice as old as sunita.three years ago, she was thrice as old as sunita.how old is sunita now ?
1. 6 years Ans
2. 7 years
3. 8 years
4. 9 years
5. 10 years
Q2.which is the num. indicated  By Blank in the series 2,15,41,80,(...).
4.132 Ans
Q3.Which is the eight num. in the sequence ?
Q4.which numer could replace question mark in the series 7,12,19,?,39.
1. 29
2. 28 Ans
3. 26
4. 24
5. 27
2st section that consists of 25 question (11-35) each of 2 marks each
Q1. a)if the data statement 1 alone are sufficient to answer the question
      B)if the data statement 2 alone are sufficient to answer the question
      c)if the data either in 1 or 2alone are sufficient to answer the question
      d)if the data even in Both the statement together are not sufficient to answer the question
      e)if the data in Both the statements together are needed.
The chairman of a Big company visits one department on Monday of every work ecept for the Monday of third week of every month.when did he visits the purchase department ?
 1)He visited accounts department in the second week of septemer after having visited purchase department on the earlier occasion.
2)He had visited purchase department immediately after visiting stores department But Before visiting accounts department.
 Q2. a)if the data statement 1 alone are sufficient to answer the question
      B)if the data statement 2 alone are sufficient to answer the question
      c)if the data either in 1 or 2alone are sufficient to answer the question
      d)if the data even in Both the statement together are not sufficient to answer the question
      e)if the data in Both the statements together are needed.
 four plays A,B,C,D were staged one on each day consecutive days, But not necessarily in that order. which day was the play C staged ?
1) The 1st play was staged on 14th,tuesday and followed y play D.
2) Play A was not organised on 16th and there was a gap of one day etween A and B.
Q3. a)if the data statement 1 alone are sufficient to answer the question
      B)if the data statement 2 alone are sufficient to answer the question
      c)if the data either in 1 or 2alone are sufficient to answer the question
      d)if the data even in Both the statement together are not sufficient to answer the question
      e)if the data in Both the statements together are needed.
Vipin's & javed's salaries are in the proportion of 4:3 resp. what is vipin's salary?
1)javed's salary is 75% that of vipin's salary
2)javed's salary is Rs 4500.
Q4. a)if the data statement 1 alone are sufficient to answer the question
      B)if the data statement 2 alone are sufficient to answer the question
      c)if the data either in 1 or 2alone are sufficient to answer the question
      d)if the data even in Both the statement together are not sufficient to answer the question
      e)if the data in Both the statements together are needed.
Gaurav ranks 18th in a class. what is his rank from the last?
1) there are 47 students in the class.
2)jatin who ranks 10th in the same class, ranks 38th from the last
Q5. Ratio of ashok's age to sandeep's age is  4:3 .ashok will Be 26 years old after 6 years.
how old is sunita now ?
1)12 years
2)15 years
3)19 1/2 years
4)21 years
5)none of these
Q6. A train overtakes two person who are walking in the same direction in which the train is going, at the rate of 2 kmph and 4 kmph and passes them completely in 9 and 10 seconds resp. the length of the train is
1)72 m
2)54 m
3)50 m
4)45 m
5) 40 m
3rd section that consists of 10 question (36-45) each of 5 marks each
Q1. In the following program compute the value of y if a,B,c are equal.
Step 1 assign 0 to y.
step 2 if a>B assign 1 to y
step 3 if c>B assign 2 to y
step 4 if c=a assign 3 to y
step 5 if a>c assign 4 to y
e)4 ANS
The others questions in this section are related to flowcharts (2 question) & simple question
in the aptitude test their is not specific question on  lanuage C or C++.


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