Canarys Automations | Placement Pattern

Company Name: Canarys Automations

Company Profile: Canarys is a comprehensive solution provider specialized in Application development, maintenance and testing across a broad spectrum of domains.
Established in 1988, with headquarters in Bangalore, India, we have serviced more than 100 customers spanning across different industry segments and domains.
With Canarys as your outsourcing partner, you can reach your business goals faster, cheaper and better. With our proven application development methodologies, flexible business models and experience in handling offshore assignments, we enable you to reap the benefits of cost advantage as well as a reduced time to market.

Company Website:

No. of Rounds: 3
                 .Written Test
                 .Technical Interview
                 .HR Interview

Written Test:

Technical Interview:
                   .They will concentrate on C basics
                    .They mainly concentrate on ur Acadamic projects
                    .Some technical questions they can ask
                    .Based on ur resume they will ask some questions

HR Interview:
                     .General HR questions they will ask like
                      .Tell me about ur self
                      .Tell me about ur family background and ur Hobbies


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